The Story

What is the Think Tank Society™?

Every Saturday, I used to meet my friend for coffee after our morning run. For hours we would talk about product and business ideas. After one such session, my friend’s husband asked, “What are you guys, some kind of think tank?” After that, I couldn’t help but notice how frequently the topic of dreams would come up among friends and new acquaintances.

In 2005, I had a pivotal conversation with my friend Anna Clark.  Our meeting turned into a 3-hour brainstorming session, marking the unofficial launch of the Think Tank Society™.  Agreeing to serve as sounding boards (and shoulders to cry on) for each other during our respective entrepreneurial journeys, Anna and I continued our meeting of the minds for the next four years through phone calls, play dates, and coffee talks. Recognizing that others could use the same kind of support, encouragement, and accountability, we opened up our meetings to the public in 2009.

Based on the “small group” model, Think Tank Society™ meets in homes or coffee houses for 2-hour sessions.  Drawing anywhere from 2 to 15 people at a time, our meetings attract seasoned and aspiring entrepreneurs, writers, and other dreamers.   A speaker shares for 20 minutes followed by brainstorming about participants’ goals and dreams. Everyone goes home with great information, a personal “to do” list, encouragement, and a support network to help them along the way.

Don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis.  Come join our conversation.  We’ll give you something to think about.

Anna Brindley

2 responses to “The Story

  1. It’s amazing how we all think alike, but some of us really act quicker than others. I have had this same experience with 2 different friends in 2 different states and we talked a lot but never made the commitment to create something that would help us or others collectively; we were so occupied and focused on our independent endeavor. I have seen our “ideas” cropping up all over the web and think, “we thought of that first”. I like your “think tank” idea and will visit often to see what “thoughts” are in the air. Friendship, mutual respect, and “seeing beyond what’s in your face” are all important attributes that will make your think tank work. Much success to the 2 Annas.

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